Se spune despre Folk ca e muzica facuta cu inima si nu cu mintea. Intotdeauna a fost o muzica de suflet care fara sa vrei iti trezeste amintiri demult ascunse sau proaspat pierdute. Sambata a fost seara folk-rock in barul Symphony. Am fost placut surprins cand toata lumea canta, nimeni nu statea degeaba. La inceputul spectacolului au cantat piese din repertoriile trupelor straine cum ar fi Metallica sau Led Zeppelin si au adus zambetul pe fetele celor prezenti. Au fost prezentate si unele tinere talente care au potential sa devina sa devina viitoare valori ale folkului maramuresan. La sfarsitul spectacolului artistii au cantat piese de suflet aducand lacrimile in ochii unora dintre cei prezenti. Per total acest spectacol folk a fost unu foarte reusit cu zambete dar si cu lacrimi, cu voie buna si chef de viata.
You'd do some stupid things and I'd laugh at those too,
And we went together like the summer in June
But who'd have known that it'd rain so soon
Thought I'd be the only one that'd make u smile,
Thought I'd be the only one that'd really know how
But u showed me different and I know better now,
I gotta get u out my system somehow
I replay it over and over again
U were my girl, now we 'ain't even friends,
U could've been my all or nothing, all or nothing,
Now to me your nothing, girl u r nothing, now your nothing
Put u on a pedestal, girl I held u so high
Was never too good at finding the words to describe,
Just how I felt for u but u know that I tried,
But somehow we went and changed inside
U damn near were my everything your still on my mind,
But I'd rather be here all alone and I'm doin just fine
Gotta take it back to the days before we met
And live our lives as strangers again
December days, my summer turned to winter
When u went away - I can't help but wonder
Was he worth my pain - U shud know better - and I shouldve too
And I cried, and u cried and we tried to make it work,
Almost died while we tried, is that what our love was worth,
If I cud do it again, I would be a better man,
Now I'm living with just memorïes
1 comentarii:
28 octombrie 2009 la 11:09
A fost o seara superba....
multumesc pentru invitatie
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